I talked with a buddy of mine who was formerly a cop back east and who now teaches Criminal Justice. He comforted me with these alarming statistics:
The 2nd best "home security weapon" is - by far - a 12 ga. shogun. The 1st best is...NO gun. That's because statistics prove that a "home security" weapon in the home, is - statistically - far more likely to kill (suicide, accident, etc.) the homeowners. That said - and the fact that the home owner/gun owner understands that fact...then, the "self-shoot" statistics drop to nil.
In a comprehensive study of burglars in prison, a "dog" was the number 1 deterrent from home burglary. So much for my two! Also ranking high - number 2 or 3 maybe? - was a car in the driveway.
Also, "cheapo-o" home security stuff -- even
FAKE outside cameras -- will send the bad guys to pick on the "house next door." Two fake cameras are around $29.
Cameras and dogs, not guns. Somebody needs to talk to our minutemen boys on the border.