My apologies for being away so long, but the online version of the Introduction to Humanities course has taken up, and continues to take up, a fair amount of my technological time. Students in the online environment seem to be, so far, a needier group than those who attend classes. Of course, things aren't helped by the fact that they are provided virtually no information, and certainly no support, by our Office of Information Technology. We have no minimum requirements for their computers, no streamlined processes for getting them set up in the system, and they consistently tell the students "your instructor can help you with that," placing a further burden on us. We're responsible not only for designing, building, and filling the course with content, but also technical support. I now know why people say online teaching requires more time than in the classroom. Now...if I could only figure out how to turn this computer on.
its one of those big buttons--just don't EVER push the red button---:)